failure 137:
Requirement failed: {seteuid.05.02} error not met because its predicate (( priority_coverage == Priority_ReallyLow || ( priority_coverage == Priority_Unknown && seteuid_spec == -1 ) ) && ( uid_coverage != Id_RealId && uid_coverage != Id_SavedSetId )) is false while error code EPERM is set ;
location |
trace |
/var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-07-25_08-37-08/process_meta_user_scenario.utz (process_meta_user_scenario.utt), line 48451 |
occurence |
scenario |
process_meta_user_scenario |
specification function |
seteuid_spec() |
parameter value |
CallContext context = [pid=22557,thr=b74d8700] |
parameter value |
UidT uid = 0 |
parameter value |
ErrorCode * @errno = EOK |
parameter value |
ErrorCode * errno = EPERM |
return value |
(IntT) -1 |
coverage & branch |
C ( Id, priority ) == ( Id_SavedSetId, Priority_Unknown ) |
properties |
REQ failed |
seteuid.05.02 |
kind |
similar known bug(s)
The seteuid() function sets the effective user ID of the calling process to the value,
specified as its argument.
According to LSB, if this argument equals to the real user ID or the saved set-user-ID,
or if the process has appropriate privileges, seteuid() shall set the effective user ID
to this value.
But on the target machine seteuid() fails when trying to set effective user ID to the
saved set-user-ID value.
Additional information about this bug may be found at